Evolving women, it’s time to take your soul-led business to the next level and scale it to multi-six figures in a way that feels like butter on your nervous system.

This current version of you is the only one who can bring the life you dream about to reality.

If you are ready to step into your highest self and create a life and soul-led business that truly impacts the world and lights you up, then you are right where you need to be.

Keep reading, because I’ve got a story to tell you.


I packed everything into suitcases and flew to Peru.

After graduating in Psychology and completing a year-long life coaching program, I started taking on clients at the age of 24. By 25, I closed up my in-person coaching practice. Something within me knew I needed more life experience to ‘get lost’ and go out, see the world, and discover what I was truly made of. I’m someone who loves being challenged and forging my own path— I’m not one to follow the herd. #blacksheep With less than $2000 in my bank account and a bare minimum level of Spanish, I moved to Peru with no plan other than to just ‘figure it out’.

Fast forward to today, I’ve lived in Peru and now Brazil. I’ve been able to learn both Spanish and Portuguese. Throughout my decade abroad, I have experienced a lot of trial and error in both life and business. I founded a women’s fitness community in Lima, Peru and when online coaching finally became a thing, I dove right into it. I built an online life and relationship coaching business from scratch and have since worked with hundreds of women worldwide, and built a combined following of over 40K. I also founded Soul Study back in 2020, which is an online global membership community of women on a path of personal growth for mind, body, and soul.

What I’ve built today is a result of not giving up, even after failure after failure. I am here to defy all odds, follow my soul’s calling, and trailblaze a path so that other women can join me. Living your dream life isn’t a pipedream. It can become your reality because it did for me.

I have built a freedom-based life and one that is in true alignment with my soul’s purpose.

And you can, too.


Who are ready to trailblaze their own path & become embodied leaders in their lives + businesses

My purpose is to empower women to reclaim their true essence, unlocking their innate power and untapped potential as self-led women and soul-led entrepreneurs.

  • Are wanting to scale their business to the six and multi-six figure level

  • Want to fully step into their innate power to create a life they LOVE and don't need to take a vacation from constantly

  • Want to step into being embodied leaders to unlock a freedom-based and soul-led life and business

  • Know they need to elevate their leadership to lead their clients into even bigger wins and call in top level clients they LOVE to serve

  • Are soul-led, freedom-based, impact driven, and purpose-based

I work with self-led women who…

I’ve helped my soulmate clients

  • Become the CEO of their vision and scale to six and multi-six figures

  • Sell out their courses, group coaching programs, and 1:1 spots

  • Scale to 5 figure and multi-5 figure cash months, on repeat

  • Build out a product suite that is unique to them and their sacred work

  • Implement a business strategy that aligns with their gifts & energy type

  • Call in the dreamiest clients to work with and be able to serve them all at different capacities in their offers

  • Become embodied leaders who are able to lead themselves through anything that life throws at them


"I truly feel blessed to have met, worked with & been supported by Steph in my business!! She’s such a heart-centred coach with sooo much knowledge & integrity. For the last few years, I've worked word of mouth & in person with clients. I learned this winter what burnout is and realized in-person client sessions has its limits. I’ve been wanting to move to online offerings but felt overwhelmed as how to do it right (& successfully) -yet still stay true to me & my values as a facilitator She is incredibly supportive and understanding, and took the time to get to know me and my business- she doesn’t offer “cookie-cutter” coaching. With her guidance, I was able to develop strategies & a plan to improve my online offerings & presence. From feeling overwhelmed…she gave me a clear place to start! Steph gave me the confidence boost I needed to put myself out there and connect with more people. She helped me view selling & sales in a new light- my old ideas were definitely standing in the way. I am so excited about the future of my business now and I feel so grateful to have her by my side on this journey! I highly recommend her to any woman looking to achieve her business goals WELL staying in alignment with what you value and who you are as a woman! Thank you!!”

Your dream life and business won't build themselves—let's get to work.

For self-led women ready for high-touch support to uplevel their lives and business

  • This is for those that desire long-term and high-touch support and want to have me in their corner supporting them through life and business.

  • I offer a 3 or 6-month mentorship. Both options include bi-weekly calls, private Telegram support, VIP access to my entire product suite, access to Soul Study, and Evolving Women Business Academy.

    Basically, you get first class to everything I offer, plus you get me in your corner supporting you in life and business and everything in between.

  • Please apply below if you are interested in a private mentorship. After you apply we will hop on a quick call to see if it’s in alignment with you!


My work with Stephanie has proven to be invaluable. Stephanie helped me take all of the ideas and questions swimming around in my head and create a solid business strategy. This single meeting took me from feeling stressed out and chaotic to finding clarity and having action steps laid out to help me move in the direction of my desire.

Stephanie helped me create tiered options for my offerings and guided me to charge what felt right. She helped me become familiar with different options to share and launch my offerings. I was also able to get clear on my ideal client and how to market my services effectively. I learned how to set up automatic emailing, advertise, get over my fear of being seen, and POST! She is brilliant for her creative and strategic ideas in the business realm. 

Stephanie is a high, high-value coach, having done all of these things herself and continues to evolve her career and services. I recommend this service to ANYONE who is at ANY part of developing their business, and who desires to share their work with the world. 

Stephanie has a special way of helping people get clear on their desires and take actual steps to monetize their creative dreams and talents. 

She has a ton of first-hand experience and abundant wisdom that empowers her to offer flexible and viable options to anyone. Whether you are just thinking about starting a business or are in it and ready to level up, Stephanie can elevate you and your entire life and career.

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