Hear it from just some of the women I’ve had the honor of working with.


I cannot express enough gratitude for Stephanie's unwavering support and guidance throughout my journey of launching a business. From day one, Stephanie was more than a coach; she became a beacon of light during some of my darkest moments. Her ability to navigate through tough personal challenges that were affecting my confidence was nothing short of miraculous. Stephanie didn't just encourage me when I wanted to quit; she refused to let me. Her insights into social media were invaluable, providing practical tips and pointers that elevated my online presence. Always pushing me beyond my comfort zone, she helped me confront and overcome limiting beliefs that held me back.

What stood out most was Stephanie's genuine investment in my success. She believed in me when I struggled to believe in myself, encouraging authenticity on social media and empowering me to follow my truth. Her invitation to host a master class within Soul Study was a defining moment, boosting my confidence and affirming her faith in my work. Stephanie's approach balances kindness with tough love when needed. She understood my susceptibility to overwhelm and provided the cheerleading I needed to stay the course. Above all, connecting with Stephanie was effortless; she felt like a trusted friend who genuinely cared about my journey. I can confidently say that without Stephanie's support, I wouldn't have had the courage to embark on this entrepreneurial path. She is not just a coach but a lifeline for anyone navigating the challenges of starting a business. Thank you, Stephanie, for believing in me and helping me turn my dreams into reality.

Kristin M

“Steph is truly an embodiment of the work! Working with her changed everything for me and my business and has catapulted me in the most expansive direction! She helped me love me for me, which was a massive shift and I can confidently say for the first time ever that I actually love myself. Her approach was so honest and real and I always felt so seen and supported. We worked through many tender moments which unknowingly allowed me the growth in all other areas of my life. I finally stepped into my leadership and started earning money doing what I love and creating massive impact! As a result of working with her, I have started working with the most amazing 1:1 clients and started facilitating my own group events. Steph is unquestionably designed for this work, you can feel her heart and passion in every ounce of your time together. It was truly an honour and a gift and I can NOT WAIT to work together again in the very near future! If you’re thinking of working with Steph here’s what I have to say… F*CK YES, JUST DO IT!!! I honestly would say it was the most wholesome and impactful experience I have had yet, it’s worth every penny then some and I truly can not wait to work with her again!! Oh and the value... she seriously over delivers in the most amazing way, so much hell yes!!!!!”

Cassie M

Working with Stephanie was a dream! She is the most genuinely kind and caring coach I have worked with to date and I truly felt she was interested and invested in my business. She made me feel immediately at ease during our coaching session and was so generous with her time and advice. She listened to my vision carefully and then provided a range of actionable strategies I could implement to help me shift my business into its next stage of growth. 

Stephanie helped me break down some big ideas I had on my agenda into manageable steps and guided me with a straightforward action plan. What I loved most about her was that her guidance was very personalized to the needs of my business, and particularly how she empowered me to implement strategies based on maximizing the resources I already had.

I would highly recommend Steph to any soulpreneur who is interested in scaling their business, she is absolutely incredible at what she does and a beautiful human with the biggest heart to boot.

Lanni L

Steph is truly amazing. I know that words like "amazing" and "transformative" get thrown around a lot within the wellness world. However, those words define Steph and her dedication to her work and her students. My time with Steph has literally transformed my life and my business. I started out so lost and beaten. I was overwhelmed. However, each session or check-in with Steph invigorated me. She was so supportive and so invested in my growth. I felt connected to her and felt safe and valued. She would remind me of my worthiness. She'd guide me to remember who I am and why life's challenges were necessary experiences for my growth. She'd remind me to connect to my purpose and passion. As a result, I hosted my first coaching course, got my first coaching client, built the self-confidence necessary to get a job working for my mentor, multi-millionaire Amy Porterfield, started posting consistently to social media, hosted a Masterclass for Soul Study and so much more!

Personally, Steph helped me rediscover myself. She helped me let go of people and things no longer serving me. She helped me build my self-confidence by taking action. She helped me create the space needed to be compassionate with myself and my journey. The gifts she has given me, this reconnection to my self-worth, are priceless. I am so grateful for Steph and this experience. My life has changed in so many significant and positive ways, and I know she'll always be cheering me on. Steph is a light within this world and her light helps others reignite their own, creating a rippling effect of worth, love, and passion that radiates throughout the world.

Christine S

My 1-1 work with Stephanie has proven to be invaluable. Stephanie helped me take all of the ideas and questions swimming around in my head and create a solid business strategy. Her work took me from feeling stressed out and chaotic to finding clarity and having action steps laid out to help me move in the direction of my desire

Stephanie helped me create tiered options for my offerings and guided me to charge what felt right. She helped me become familiar with different options to share and launch my offerings. I was also able to get clear on my ideal client and how to market my services effectively. I learned how to set up automatic emailing, advertise, get over my fear of being seen, and POST! She is brilliant for her creative and strategic ideas in the business realm. 

Stephanie is a high, high-value coach, having done all of these things herself and continues to evolve her career and services. I recommend this service to ANYONE who is at ANY part of developing their business, and who desires to share their work with the world. 

Stephanie has a special way of helping people get clear on their desires and take actual steps to monetize their creative dreams and talents. 

She has a ton of first-hand experience and abundant wisdom that empowers her to offer flexible and viable options to anyone. Whether you are just thinking about starting a business or are in it and ready to level up, Stephanie can elevate you and your entire life and career.

Monica L

“Steph really helped me understand to start I just needed to begin bit by bit. It isn't about going all in at once which I was terrified of. She gave me concrete ideas about how to start and ways to explore my niche through building community and putting my ideas out there. My experience was super positive I wouldn't have left a very toxic job and begun my VA business was it not for Steph. She gave me the confidence to believe in myself and take the necessary steps at my pace. I would highly recommend Steph she goes above and beyond and I am so thankful for her continued support. ❤”

Gill M

“I truly feel blessed to have met, worked with & been supported by Steph in my business!! She’s such a heart-centred coach with sooo much knowledge & integrity. For the last few years Ive worked word of mouth & in person with clients. I learned this winter what burnout is and realized in-person client sessions has its limits. I’ve been wanting to move to online offerings but felt overwhelmed as how to do it right (& successfully 🙌🏼) -yet still stay true to me & my values as a facilitator She is incredibly supportive and understanding, and took the time to get to know me and my business- she doesn’t offer “cookie-cutter” coaching. With her guidance, I was able develop strategies & a plan to improve my online offerings & presence. From feeling overwhelmed…she gave me a clear place to start! Steph gave me the confidence boost I needed to put myself out there and connect with more people. She also helped me view selling & sales in a new light- my old ideas were definitely standing in the way. I am so excited about the future of my business now and I feel so grateful to have her by my side on this journey! I highly recommend her to any woman looking to achieve her business goals WELL staying in alignment with what you value and who you are as a woman! Thank you!! 🥹💞🙏🏼”

Mishka H

“It’s really hard to put into a few words the change and growth I have experienced with the help of Stephanie. Her care and compassion and ability to help you see your divine self is mind-blowing. Since starting coaching with Steph I have become a completely different person for the better. She was the catalyst I needed to honor my higher self. I cannot imagine a world where I didn’t meet Steph, she may be one of the best humans I have had in my life. If you’re considering life coaching with Stephanie, DO IT!"

Michelle B

“If you're someone looking for unconditional love and support if you're looking for structure and tools from somebody that has walked the path herself, and from somebody that doesn't just do this as a nine to five, Stephanie lives and breathes this. She is powerful and a true and authentic leader. Her work is for the women that are ready to show up and do the work, and you will experience breakthroughs.”

Alexa L

“Stephanie has helped me in so many ways. I feel so comfortable and safe to be vulnerable at every coaching session that I have had with Stephanie. I have learned throughout our coaching sessions on how to be self-aware and how to have compassion for myself and others. She has also taught me the importance of living authentically. Stephanie knows how to quickly identify the problem and how to get to the root of the problem which makes me feel so grateful to have her. Her extensive knowledge has helped me overcome issues that I have gone through. For example, she was able to help me overcome my fear of quitting my 9-5 job to pursue my passion in vintage clothing. I am now a full-time business owner of my own vintage clothing store and I have never felt so much emotional freedom in my life. My mental health has greatly improved since I have met Stephanie. I truly recommend trying a coaching session with her. She really goes above and beyond for the wellbeing of her clients. Thank you, Stephanie. Love you!”

Liana M

“Stephanie not only is a beautiful soul but also a very compassionate coach. I feel every time I go into a session with her I come out a bit more whole, a bit more of my authentic self. My experience with Stephanie is something that is truly hard to put into words. As we know it takes a lot to be vulnerable and open up about our traumas but Steph has the ability to make you feel safe, heard and seen! Her vibrant and raw energy is something that I can easily feel through the computer screen even though we are miles apart. She is an authentic being who has helped me and continues to help me to gently peel each layer and to understand my own patterns and learned behaviours to be able to see my own light. Thank you Steph for everything may you always keep thriving and as I always say thank you for existing!”

Parvinder L

“Stephanie is just a beautiful guide and leader who's also walking with you on the journey. Stephanie’s work is sacred medicine in the world, and it helps you to really to know for yourself in a way that feels nurturing and empowering. She holds the energy so beautifully that everyone feels seen and supported throughout the journey. If you’re on the fence about Reclamation- leap my love. I’ve been working on healing my worthiness wound for nearly a decade. I’ve literally tried everything under the sun. Recently, I accepted that perhaps after having the trauma history I’ve experienced and healed (for the most part) that I may never feel quite worthy and it’s ok. And then came Stephanie and her sacred work. Today was the first session and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, the connection was made between the misunderstanding my younger self created around why I didn’t feel worthy. And just like that, through a process Stephanie safely facilitated, I was able to meet my inner child with grace and devotion and my core worthiness wound was healed in an instant. You can’t afford to pass up the divine opportunity of reclaiming yourself. This program has created a portal for transformation, unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Stephanie is a powerhouse and gift to this earth.”

Samaria W

“Stephanie is such a powerful guide that will allow you to unlock all those things that you've suppressed for so long. Through her work, I was able to find myself again and I didn’t even know this person was within me and through all the practices Stephanie teaches I was able to reclaim this part of me. Reclamation is truly one of the most transformative, powerful and empowering journeys - with some of the most amazing people. It allowed me to go into the deepest depths of my shadows. Where I can now look at it from a perspective of wholeness and acceptance - and truly integrate all the parts of myself. I have never felt so safe in my body, aligned and renewed as I step into the next phase of my journey. These 3 months have created more change and alignment with my truest self, it would’ve taken me years if I was to do it alone.”

Molly S

“I believe people come into your life at the right times to teach you important things about yourself and help provide you with the tools to work on your healing. Stephanie has been an amazing support system to me over the last 12 months and has helped me with being a more authentic version of myself. I have learned to be more empathetic towards how I am feeling and my needs. She is amazing at asking the right questions that help you step more into your truth and aim you towards being the highest version of yourself. I have seen therapists in the past and I have felt the most seen, heard and understood by Stephanie. She has helped me make so much progress towards my healing journey and I would highly recommend her to those that are committed to doing the work on themselves. Thank you, Stephanie. You are a light in this world. I am immensely grateful for you!”

Tera E

For someone who’s meant to be a writer, even I’m finding it hard to articulate how grateful I am to Steph. They say people come into your life for a reason but I can honestly say, Steph came into mine for a million! I was a lost soul with a broken torch, and then I came across Steph and she graciously handed me a lantern. As someone who’s grown up in a dysfunctional and chaotic environment, I’ve never been good at expressing my emotions or even understanding my feelings. All I knew was I wanted to break the generational cycles and traumas but I needed guidance and support. Steph has been a compass for me. Working with Steph is what I call a calming rollercoaster. You’re in for a ride but she’ll make you feel right at home. I have learned to step away from the overwhelming feelings of guilt and overcome the discomfort I had for vulnerability through this journey. Before my 1-1 coaching experience, I always felt out of sync from my body and in all honesty, I didn’t even know until I started the sessions. Since my sessions, I feel so in sync with myself but more importantly, when I have moments when I’m not, I am equipped with the tools and skills to come back into my own body and step back into my own self. Stephanie has guided me to treat myself with love, compassion and empathy, which is something I have never had before. The beauty of working with Steph is the journey is not linear; I went from discussing my past experiences to getting support for my own coaching career and she was there for me every step of the way. She has a natural ability to make you think out of the box and question things that you’d probably never think of. Her approach is incredibly gentle, forthcoming and welcoming; our sessions made me think deeply, which in turn helped me understand who I am at my core. I am forever grateful to Stephanie and truly thankful that she was not only my coach but is also my good friend. I have had the pleasure of meeting up with Steph in person and she is even more amazing in real life, if that’s even possible!

Nuzzy S

“Stephanie dives straight into sessions and instantly adapts to connect in with wherever you are in yourself and hones in what you need. She asks the questions you wish your friends, family, colleagues, boss or therapist would ask you so you can get to the embodied heart of what it is you feel and want to achieve. She is efficient and clear, timely and incredibly supportive. She is already tapped into what is energetically needed in this world as it adapts and asks us to adapt to it with self-compassion and flow. She is the initiator, disruptor and adopter of what coaching is moving towards. Shifting paradigms with a tremendous heart and smile.”

Anna R

“I want to start off by saying meeting Stephanie has impacted my life more than I can put into words. Before I had the chance to work with her I was struggling with not understanding certain behaviours I would go through. She always took so much time to listen to me and she left open space to hear me and never judge. I would recommend just trying out 1 session with her she helps guide you in the direction you truly want to be moving forward in. Stephanie is not only a life coach but she is now a new friend in my life. I appreciate that life has brought her into my life!”

Melanie S

“One of the things that resonates with me is how warm and welcoming Steph is, her spirit guides the community into a space of safety, and comfort and gives everyone an opportunity to grow. She has a unique gift of healing. Her work allowed me to strip down my layers and confront toxic habits and behaviours that were no longer serving me. I was able to sit with my inner child, nurture, nourish and heal. I am so proud of myself and my journey. I would not have the mindset I do now without Steph’s work.”

Shanica P

“Stephanie is the most amazing coach. She has helped me peel back the surface layers to understand myself better on a heart and soul level. She holds space to make me feel understood and heard. She gives valuable insight into my patterns and conditioning while also providing the tools for me to work through and grow in every domain of my life. I love that she takes a philosophical approach to her sessions. I always leave our sessions feeling renewed and empowered to be the best version of myself, knowing that being the best version of myself doesn't mean "perfect". It means being rooted in integrity and honoring my needs and individuality. She is a blessing in my life and healing journey. I couldn't do this without her support.”

Maëva R

“Stephanie has been a true blessing in my life. Her coaching has helped me in a way no testimonial can really ever cover. She’s different from other coaches/therapists I’ve had in the past especially because I always feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders after every session. I never feel judged and feel like she can relate or has had a similar experience along her journey. I feel like for the first time in my life I’m making decisions for myself and continuing to make progress with her guidance. So grateful for you Stephanie!!”

Natalie S

“Since working with Stephanie my perspective on life has become so much richer. I truly value our time together during my session. I call her my soul angel because she has made such an impact on me. She is open, understanding, kind and empathetic. She has taught me to establish boundaries, go after what I want, and really honor my own truths. I am so grateful for her and I cannot thank her enough.”

Caitlin S

“Stephanie is such an incredible human who makes you feel like you matter. She has reached out a few times to see if I needed any support or to see if I had any questions. Her course, Devotion, was exactly what I needed in the moment and a full body yes. I am so glad I joined and have left the 20 days with some great friendships and new ways to help me get through hard moments. Highly recommend working with her!”

Ashley B

“Have you ever met someone and knew they were introduced into your life by a higher force, that your paths were destined to cross somehow or another? That is Stephanie for me. We connected when I was struggling with finding my path and connecting with my higher self and we have been working together for over a year now. She provides thought-provoking insight and guidance that has truly helped me grow spiritually and gain self-assuredness. We have had many conversations about vulnerability and authenticity, and I truly value her coaching and spiritual consciousness. Through our sessions, I have come to feel more aligned with my true self. Stephanie is such a bright light in this world and I am so grateful to know her!”

Christine P

“The Universe sent Steph to me when I was in desperate need of guidance and coaching. Together we have spent the past months peeling back much-needed layers and it has already made a huge impact on my life. Steph has a way of making you feel valued just as you are and also helping you want to improve at the same time. She makes goals achievable and is easily the most relatable person to talk to about any challenges you face. because of her, I have shed so many stories that no longer align with my higher self. I am now leading a life filled with love, compassion, and empathy for myself and for others. Steph is a beautiful and harmoniously balanced human that I have been blessed to work with. she truly is 1 in a million."

Stephanie L

“I have been working with Stephanie for 7 months, now. Meeting her was, quite simply, an example of divine timing in my life. I was in a pretty dark place and had recently been forced to end therapy with my previous therapist because she would no longer continue virtual sessions (I’m a working single mom of a young child, so those were pretty necessary for me!)I was very disconnected from myself and from a support system. I wish I could just show an image of a before and after to show the amount of positive change that my mental health and overall well-being have experienced over these last 6 months with Stephanie. She has coached and supported me through one of the most challenging times of my life, has led me back to my relationship with myself, has helped me grow and evolve as a person through it all, and over all else, she creates and holds such a safe space for all of the growth to happen (because let’s be real, growth is not always pretty). I have such a greater sense of self-love and compassion and empowerment that I couldn’t even have fathomed 6 months ago. I am beyond grateful for Stephanie and the LIFE-CHANGING work that she does. And I am so excited to see what the next 6 months of growth with her will bring.”

Kelan M

I am beyond grateful for the work I have gone through with Stephanie being my coach. I am so proud of the person I am today and it's hard to believe I was the person I was a couple of years ago. I was lost, in a toxic relationship and had no idea about boundaries, self-compassion, etc. The work I have done thanks to Stephanie has changed my life. I am working in my literal dream job as a travelling Radiation Therapist, I am a single confident 35-year-old woman that works full time and is in school full time working towards bettering my life for my future self. Stephanie taught me so much about self-love and compassion. I was a perfectionist who struggled with negative self-talk, depression, and low self-esteem. I have since become a person that can see the signs of my spiralling and work towards bringing myself out of it quickly with breathing techniques and speaking out loud what I am grateful for and what I love about myself. I would have never been able to do this without the work I did in my one-on-one coaching sessions. Our sessions have also helped me be more compassionate and loving with anyone I interact with in my life, all while setting firm boundaries. I used to be a people pleaser but our sessions helped me to focus on recognizing where and when to use my energy so I do not get burnt out easily. Again I am grateful for everything I have gained from my one-on-one coaching with Stephanie. I am glad the universe brought us together and I have this beautiful soul in my life.”

Ashley D

“Stephanie, as always, is so warm and approachable. She has such a kind and loving energy and instantly makes you feel relaxed. I like how understanding she is and how she just seems to get you. Stephanie always gives helpful, practical advice and is able to meet you where you’re at. It’s always a joy to work with her and my experience in Devotion was epic! The sessions and facilitators really delivered the goods. Devotion and its beautiful community of women reminded me of the importance of showing up for yourself but also being kind and gentle with yourself. 10/10 would recommend it! Can’t thank Steph and the community enough for the beautiful experience.”

Zoe H

“It's difficult to put into words the impact Steph and her coaching has had in my life, because it's hard to remember the before "version" of me - that's how much I have grown and changed over the last 2 years.

We started working together during Covid, when I realized I needed help to get back into dating and finding a partner. We clicked instantly and though I have tried therapy and coaching before, I truly felt SEEN, understood, and accepted. Steph held space for my feelings and thoughts, empowered me like nobody before and helped me heal whatever was holding me back from my true self. With every session, I was learning more about self-compassion, boundaries, acceptance, how to observe triggers and how to work on the trauma passed on by generations of women before me. It was thanks to her support that I managed to not only find my current partner but also learn how to build a healthy relationship, navigate difficult situations, change the limiting beliefs and patterns that we both struggled with in previous relationships and so much more.

So much has changed in other areas of my life, thanks to her guidance and a newfound love and compassion for myself: changed my job because I realized the environment was no longer aligned to my values and needs, learned how to speak up for myself and trust my judgement, decided to open a business that will offer me more freedom and money, and support my partner in starting his. I was struggling immensely with body image and this was the source of a lot of pain, and whilst I am still sometimes learning how to fully love myself ...I am miles away from the person I was 2 years ago. I've probably never been as disciplined and committed to taking care of myself, and I don't mean just physically but also emotionally and spiritually. I can't express how much gratitude I have for this beautiful soul for holding my hand throughout this amazing journey and for being able to call her my friend.”

Irina C

“Since working with Steph, I've not only felt more present in everyday life but I've felt a stronger connection with myself. We began working together at the start of the pandemic and when I had freshly ended a long-term relationship. For the past several months, we've been meeting consistently and I cannot advocate enough (to friends & family) how important dedicating time to working on yourself is. Since working with Steph, I am more aligned with my needs and I've learned so much about myself. Steph has made therapy an enjoyable and positive experience which I had been unable to find in the past. While it is difficult work, I have since found the strength in myself to recognize what I need and deserve to live a happier and healthier life. I feel so blessed to have Steph in my life and am so thankful for her guidance and dedication to the work we do together.”

Amy B

I have only begun my journey with Steph, and it has given me the confidence to live my life in a way that is authentic to who I am. I have always been free-spirited, but sometimes I have doubted that part of me as society often tells you to live in a certain way that contradicts this. Working with Steph made me comfortable in knowing, loving and being myself to the core and she helped me to believe that in doing so I will live a life that is meant for me. The sessions with Steph were all judgment free and she listened carefully and deeply to everything I had to say. I look forward to working together again in the future and continuing this journey!

Nili S

“I was looking for guidance to start an online business. My desire was to have a different container to propose my work and to achieve financial and geographic freedom, or, at least, to move some steps in that direction. I felt stuck, and I was unsure to fully express myself online. I chose Steph because she represented for me the model I wanted to do and achieve. She helped to radically change my mindset on my business. She helped me to transform an idea of business into a movement for evolving women! Of course, I'm still working to break my fears, but I felt supported and guided to find my authentic intention on what I want to give to the world and also, a concrete solution to build a signature offer. I'm grateful, and I know this is just the beginning!!!”

Vera F

“Working with Stephanie has changed my life. No exaggeration. What started as a desire to move past a breakup turned into a beautiful deep dive that has transformed the way I go about my life. Over the past two years, through Stephanie's coaching, I've become more self-regulated, learned how to navigate hard situations with more grace, use my voice more to express what I need, became a more effective communicator, improved my relationship to my finances, and even finally made steps to build my own creative business. As I continue to grow, I can confidently say I would not be the person I am today without Steph. It's incredibly refreshing to work with a coach who possesses an incredible capacity to love, care, listen, and offer such insightful guidance. I feel seen, accepted, heard. She approaches every aspect of her work a wholeheartedness that consistently uplifts me to forge the life I imagine for myself, and I cannot express enough the amount of gratitude I have for the work we've done together."

Sarah C

“Stephanie helped me organize a few things in my life, restart the business I have with my mom and sister, and help me accept myself for who I am and not compare myself to others. One of the many sessions we had helped me a lot, more than I thought it would. It made me realize that if I want to do something, I must start and really commit to it. I'm grateful for her work. One of the many tangible effects I saw on myself right after having calls with Stephanie was the presence I had on what I wanted to work on. I would recommend her work to anyone who feels the need to improve on something or maybe start something from zero. It could be anything. All it takes is knowing what you want to work on and the possible ways to do it. If you want to get clear on those things then Stephanie will guide you on whatever path you want to take.”

Luciana I

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