Step into the most aligned & empowered version of yourself.

You know the version of you that you dream of that feels like driving in a top-down convertible along the ocean coast with nothing but an open road ahead of you— THAT feeling.

  • The Room is a group coaching and mastermind hybrid for female soul-led entrepreneurs and leaders. We have monthly live calls, business trainings, and a private Telegram group.

    This is a 6 month container that will help you elevate your leadership, walk your clients into bigger WINS, & deepen your conviction and authority that will lead you to hitting your next level of income & impact.

    Learn more about The Room here

  • As someone who has built a multi-six figure business from zero, I am here to help you fast-track and build a soul-led business that lights you up and that pays you abundantly for the gifts you have to offer the world. I use a combo of energetics and strategy to help you scale the business of your dreams.

    I work with women who are scaling to the six and multiple six figure level and want to build a thriving, sustainable, and scalable business that provides impact income.

I’m here to walk with you in your ERA of becoming.

This is your ERA of bringing everything you desire in your life and business to life.

I've walked this path with hundreds of women who want more out of life and to create a soul-aligned business that impacts others and pours into them abundantly.

We are living in a time where it’s never been easier to follow your heart’s desires, create your own path, and share your sacred gifts with the world.

Gifts that only you have.

I’m here to go ALL in with you and guide you on the most empowering and fulfilling journey yet.

The journey that leads to creating a freedom-based, soul-led life and business that leaves behind a legacy that outlives you.

Beautiful soul, pull up a chair and a warm cup of coffee ☕ and let's have a chat about why you *might* have landed here.

**Takes a sip ☕ and looks directly into your eyes, letting me know you are
definitely an old soul and this isn't your first rodeo. 😉

You might be here because...

🚀 You are ready to answer the calling you feel within you and start a soul-led business where you get to use the unique gifts you have within you and be a part of the NEW paradigm we are shepherding in.

You might not know exactly how, but you have reached a point in your life where you are ready to dive into your soul’s mission and create your own path. To build a business that impacts others and financially pours into you! You know working a 9-5 for the rest of your life is not written in the stars for you. You, my dear, are destined for something much bigger, and you are ready to claim it. You just need guidance from someone who has walked this path herself and helped others do the same. You and both know you have a vision that you’ve been carrying within you for some time, now it’s time to make that into your actual reality and get to work.

🚀 You haven’t quite figured out your ‘WHY’ and purpose just yet but are ready to uncover it because you want to know why you wake up every day and why you were put here on this planet.

You know you were not here to pay bills and die, you know you are here for a reason. Here’s the thing: 9/10 clients who seek me out to help them name their ‘why’ and their purpose already know it, or at least part of it. I am here to be a mirror to help you find the answers that are within you because they are. I am not here to tell you what ‘I think’ you are here to do because I don’t know. What I do know is HOW to help you find those answers and uncover the most dreaded but MOST rewarding question, “What am I here to do? What is my purpose?”. If this is you, I’ve got you, and believe me, you are holding some SERIOUS treasure inside of you; just you wait and see.

🚀 You have an existing business but want more growth and to scale it in a way that feels deeply aligned , easy on your nervous system, lights you up, and overflows your bank account.

If you’ve been feeling a bit stagnant in your business, it’s okay. We’ve all been there. The important thing is you are taking action to do something about it because you know you are here to create a movement and a legacy that outlives you and gives you total financial freedom. You also know you are here not just to hit multiple 4-figure months but MULTIPLE 5-figure months and do so with integrity. You and I will deep dive into your business and adjust some things that will make you feel LIT about your work and create more aligned offerings that allow for more growth and scalability. We will also create specific strategies so that you can attract more soulmate clients, expand your product suite, fine-tune your messaging and content, and implement automated systems that provide you with greater freedom and efficiency. It’s about working smarter, not harder.

🚀 You have an existing in-person business and want to bring more of it online to give you more freedom, spaciousness, and financial abundance without compromising the integrity and impact of your work.

You have been loving the in-person work, which totally lights you up, AND you desire to move into the online space to give you back more time and freedom. I’ve worked with therapists, practitioners, and coaches who have only been working in person to move part or all of their work online. This part is actually a lot of fun because we get to be creative in how your work is typically offered and totally revamp your business. Together, we will create offers that align with you and your mission to access more people worldwide while giving you more spaciousness in your life. Get ready to have the impact of your work and income TEN FOLD.

🚀 You want to become more of an embodied leader to create the life and/or business you deeply desire.

Here’s the hard truth: self-leadership is the foundation of everything in your life. You are a leader. You are a self-led woman. When we become embodied leaders, we are able to lead confidently in our lives, relationships, and businesses. We are able to trust ourselves, our voices, and our actions and use them to create the reality we desire. A considerable part of my work has been helping women step into their innate power and become self-led women who then have the courage to create the life, relationship, and/or business they want. If you want to become more confident and self-assured and overcome things like self-doubt, fear, and self-sabotage, my work is for you.

🚀 You do NOT want to build a business that is soul-less and only focused on dollar signs and structured in the ‘old paradigm’ (aka. the dreaded hustle culture).

You want to build a business that is genuinely soul-led and in deep integrity with you and your gifts. You desire to build a business that positively impacts others and also provides you with financial freedom. You’re someone who understands the new paradigm we as soulpreneurs are creating. We are doing business in a new way that is heart-centred, in service, and sustainable. No longer are we in the era of ‘struggling broke artists’ who give it their all and receive pennies. We are living in an era where you can make money doing what you LOVE, impacting the lives of others, and giving back to your communities while living a freedom-based and soul-led life. It ain’t a pipedream because so many are doing it, including myself and my clients, and you can too. Yes, it absolutely takes hard work and unwavering faith in yourself but it is so damn worth it!

🚀 You desire support from someone who has walked the path themselves and built two soul-led businesses from the ground up and is all about embodied leadership. You also seek an individual who brings forth the balance of the divine fem and masc in business and someone deeply human, spiritual, and insanely intuitive.

🎤 Cue Adele: Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.

But really, though, let me tell you why. Firstly, I am not your ‘typical’ business coach who applies a cookie-cutter style or tells you to focus only on feminine or masculine energetics, no way. You can’t build a business solely with energy work and manifestation, and you also can’t build it with pure strategy and processes. You need both, a balance, and everything depends on you and your specific energy type. What has worked for one client doesn’t necessarily work for the other. I tailor my methods and mentorship to YOU and your uniqueness. I’m a 1/3 projector, meaning I'm a total genius at zooming out, seeing the larger picture, mapping out the best path for my clients, and asking the BEST questions. I’m also someone who learns best by trial and error and teaches others what I’ve learned throughout my decade of experience. My clients fast-track the trial-and-error route and get to where they want to go much faster because I am there to guide them every single step of the way. You can expect that we will definitely get work done in our time together, AND it will be balanced and structured in a way that aligns with you.


💫 Deeply in integrity with my work and what I do 💫 My 1:1 clients are everything to me & I cherish our relationship deeply 💫 Lovingly honest and will compassionately 'call you forward' because I know you are capable of SO much and want you to step into your fullest potential 💫 Emotionally intelligent, aware, intuitive, and trauma-informed 💫 Embodied leadership that will also hold you accountable to step into that

💫 A deadly combo of personal, spiritual, and professional guidance 💫 Not only am I 'certified' but many of my teachings come from my decade of experience as a life coach and supporting women building soul-led businesses 💫 To help you create/grow a soul-led business with unique offers that LIGHT you up 💫 To get sh*t done in our time together and bring your goals & vision to life

I'm 100 percent in your corner and have your back in this current season of your life & business— I'm ALL in.


Holistic Healer | Functional Medicine Doctor | Awakening & Transformational Coach| Herbalist & Acupuncturist

My work with Stephanie was incredibly helpful! She got me thinking on the right track in order to take my business from in-person to incorporating virtual group sessions. I now have a strategy to implement, and I feel confident about it!

I have more structure for the evolution of my private practice, and I am ready to take the next steps and have specific direction as to how to do it.

It's so much fun to work with a woman who gets me, who hears me, and who has a crystal clear vision of how to help me manifest mine! Stephanie and I are in complete alignment, and that also makes the difference in the world.

Stephanie is the mentor and coach for successful coaches and practitioners who want level up!”